Starting a business while in college helps a student earn money to help pay for education, as well as provide a good start for when graduation comes. Starting a non-profit, on the other hand, doesn't really yield money - but it does yield things money cannot buy.

Such is the work that volunteers for A Moment In Magic do.

A Moment in Magic (AMOM) is a non-profit organization composed of 40 college students who don costumes resembling famous female protagonists to bring cheer and raise up the spirits of children in pediatric wards in hospitals, the Good News Network reported. The group was created in New York in 2014, and began its chapter system in 2015. It made more than 200 hospital visits in 2016 alone, reaching more than 5,000 kids in just a year.

The organization, originally called "The Princess Project," was founded by Kylee McGrane, Wilkes Barre, and Margaret McAndrew, after McGrane watched the Disney animated movie "Frozen."

McGrane noticed that she and McAndrew bore resemblances to Elsa and Anna, the movie's protagonists, and thought of using that resemblance to fulfill their desire to help others by impersonating the famous characters and bring cheer to pediatric patients.

Currently, AMOM only has one chapter, based at the College of Mount Saint Vincent in the Bronx. They are hoping to expand this year, having 10 college chapters located in different campuses across the country. They also hope to recruit more volunteers to spread the magic to young patients, especially those fighting against cancer.

AMOM, which started with one pediatric visit to a hospital per month, is now providing up to around five visits per week at various hospitals and events in the New York area, Today Parents reported. McGrane and McAndrew hopes to add more chapters and recruit more volunteers so that more visits can be made.

McGrane said AMOM has never said "no" to a visit, and does whatever it can to respond to anybody who reaches out to them. Whether it's a personal visit or a Skype visit, AMOM will do whatever it can to bring cheer to young patients.

Check out A Moment in Magic here.

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