"Pokemon Go" has taken the gaming realm by storm since its debut earlier this year. However, the hit augmented reality mobile game is not sparred from flaws with login and humbled server errors being among the most common ones.

Quite a few players have reported getting banned from "Pokemon Go" as they are unable to log into their account. If recent reports are anything to go by, this could be an error in the game. Some players claimed they seem to be stuck in an endless login screen; one Reddit user believed he was permanently banned.

One "Pokemon Go" gamer claimed his gaming experience was plagued with the endless login screen error as he encountered the issue every time he attempted to log into the game. He continued to get the humbled server error even when there were no reports of server problems. The player figured out that the issue was cropping up as his account had gotten desynchronized from the Google account that prohibited the gamer from logging in.

Here's How To Resolve The Issue

In a bid to resolve the issue, the player had to delete his Google account and begin the game from scratch. He was then prompted to assign a Google account to his device. After entering his Google account again, the player allowed it sync to the device, along with contacts and calendar. He was eventually able to go back to the game and it worked.

If the aforementioned fix does not resolve the logging in problem, simply log out and create a Pokemon Trainer Club account. Once that's done, login to "Pokemon Go" with that account and play for a while, then log out and try logging in again with your usual Google account. A lot of gamers encountering this login problem are using Android 4.4.4.

If players continue to have trouble despite trying the Pokemon Trainer Club trick, they should download the earlier .31 apk and retry the login multiple times until it stops failing.

How To Fix Battery Drain Problem

"Pokemon Go" gamers who are experiencing too much of battery drain, should try enabling the 'Battery Saver' option under the app's settings. This will enable them to save a little bit of battery.

Alternatively, playing on a lower brightness and disabling the AR i.e. augmented reality option also helps saving your phone's battery. Aside from not playing the game as much, you will have to make use of a power bank, PC Advisor reported.

It is important to note that the game is quite demanding in terms of battery life as it utilizes your GPS chips, Wi-Fi, cellular, RAM, graphic card, processor and screen besides a slew of other things.

Niantic Labs is aware of some devices encountering heavy battery drain and is looking to resolve it in an update slated to be rolled in near future.