Basically, SWOT analysis is a review which encourages focus on the strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat aspects of business industry. It is a common tool in the professional world used to evaluate the status of a company and its future position in the competition.
A personal SWOT analysis aims to do the same for an individual in pursuit of their career goals. It will assess your personal strengths and weakness, what opportunities you visualize with your talents, and what challenges you might encounter along the way.

You can be successful in life if you know how to properly identify your talents and use them to their fullest extent. In the same way, if you are already familiar with your weaknesses, it is easier to manage those and avoid troubles in the work you do.
The personal SWOT analysis is a useful technique to understand yourself better. To perform the said analysis you can use this personal assessment worksheet.
Strengths - Start by identifying your strengths. These are the skills that set you apart from the others.
- What are your advantages from others? (for example, education, certifications, talents, skills or connection)
- What are the things that you do better than anyone else in the industry?
- What kind of resources can you access?
- What do other people (like superior, professor, colleagues, family, and friends) see as your strength?
- Which of your achievements are you most confident and proud of?
- What are the values you have that others fail to exhibit?
Weaknesses - You will know the areas in which you need improvements. These should be monitored and controlled so that it can't set you back in your career.
- What are your negative habits and behavior?
- Does any area of your education need development?
- What do other people see as your personal weakness?
- Are you a risk-taker or you settle with what you have?
Opportunities - Now, you should be familiar with the external factors that you can take the advantage to pursue a new career direction.
- What are your negative habits and behavior?
- Does any area of your education need development?
- What do other people see as your personal weakness?
- Are you a risk taker or you just settle with what you have?
Threats - Lastly, define any possible threats to your career growth. Some can be forecasted but most of them are not.
- Is there a sudden change in your career industry?
- Are they any huge external danger that can affect your goals?
- Is the economy doing well in your country?
- Will the rapid advancement in technology impact your career visions?
Always remember that the key to writing a great personal SWOT analysis is honesty. Remember that the objective is to analyze yourself but consulting others who know you well is also a good idea, if necessary.
In reality, credibility is crucial to your chosen profession. In order to plan your career path in the future, you must be very familiar with own capabilities and limitations. This will help you focus on your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, and grab the best opportunities available to you.