The ice skating romantic comedy "Yuri on Ice," the anime that broke the mold of superficial, sex-only, male-to-male relationship is the most tweeted-about anime in 2016. It took audiences by storm when it premiered last September.

Fans have praised "Yuri on Ice" for its unique storyline about a passionate young ice skater and his even more impassioned coach, Polygon reported. "Yuri on Ice" gathered nearly 1.5 million posts from Nov. 24- Dec. 14. The American website Crunchyroll, which focused on video streaming East Asian media including manga, drama, and anime has revealed that timing was the main reason why it failed to be the best anime and most popular one.

Crunchyroll representative pointed out that it is because the show came out in September while "Re:Zero" the anime that tops the global spot of popularity began in April. Despite the late start, Polygon added that "Yuri on Ice" still managed to win over places like Botswana, Hong Kong and Poland.

It can be noted that Yuri's relationship with his coach is candid and unashamed, and those around them happily supported it in its loving, queer ambiquity. Even though both from countries where same-sex marriage is not widely legal, the coach and student pair were sparkling reflections of how a queer romance could develop outside of cultural bias, Kotaku reported.

Fans felt vindicated, that "Yuri on Ice" is a defiant step forward in the face of superficial depictions of queer relationships in anime. Sources added that "Yuri on Ice" is an amazing show that speaks to its audience in an honest way about complicated issues like depression and anxiety. It is also for this reason that the anime gathered a huge fan base.

Meanwhile, if "Yuri on Ice" creator Mitsurou Kubo would have her way, the hit anime series would have a second season, which had ended last December 21, 2016. She said that there are many directions that the sequel could take and one suggestion is to focus on Yuri's mental health, reports Travelers Today.

She announced to fans that she has so much plans for the anime should it take off again this year as the last episode of the anime suggested a possibility of a second season. For now, fans are rooting for another season of the anime specifically that the show focused on the wonderful theme of self-sacrifice and generosity.