
Tech. Global Goes International With Students Being Exposed To Virtual Reality


Tech. Global is haven to technological projects. It is hosted by the University of Arizona with its single-room office located in-between the International Student Services and Study Abroad Office.

This program houses six students who desire to explore the world through technology. It is a 100 percent engagement experience and is non-credit. These students work for at least 15 hours on a weekly basis and are paid for working on various projects that include maintaining online data maps to exploring virtual reality.

Data scientist Ash Black oversees the program. Black is backed up with more than 20 years of web development and IT expertise, the Daily Wildcat reports.

Student coders of Tech. Global do full stack development, which means that the six students does a portion of everything.

These students are special in that they are either study abroad students or international students. They also do coding, web design, programming, graphics, and interface.

The program aims that the students learn the skills while working at Tech. Global, and to use them abroad in building a virtual reality blog or building an app, to mention a few projects.

Students under the Tech. Global program are working on a potential project that has the capacity to affect the study abroad experience. Tech. Global aims to create a virtual study abroad program through virtual reality. This will allow students who are not capable of studying abroad to obtain that experience. These include students with mobility issues or with physical disabilities.

Tech. Global in partnership with the Africana Studies program, will travel to Paris over Thanksgiving, with equipment that will film their environment with 360-degree cameras that will go live stream. It is aimed that this footage can be raw material for virtual reality.

Worldwide connection is the primary target of Tech Global. Tech. Global partners with the University of Barcelona for developing new methods in understanding data. It also works with the University of Oklahoma in searching for ways to share virtual reality space.

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