College is a great way to meet new people from different walks of life. One problem, though, is when you meet a person who feels as if he or she owns the campus. Even worse is when that person becomes your roommate!

Recently, the Internet went wild after an email exchange of soon-to-be roommates went viral. USA Today College reported that two University of California-Los Angeles freshmen were already finding living with their third roommate, who described herself as a "ticking time bomb," difficult even before they start school.

The letter, posted by Winnie Chen on Twitter, showed the demands of her future roommate, Ashly. Apparently, Ashly wants to get the top bunk of the bunk bed as well as one full closet for herself. The Twitterverse responded with criticism for Ashly's attitude and demands.

NDTV shared the signs on how to identify whether you are stuck with the roommate from hell. The publication noted that if they think they own everything, are obsessed with bathroom schedules, need to have total control over the remote and/or use things without permission, then you should run the other direction.

According to Fox News, Dayton University Dean of Students Chris Schramm revealed that there are freshmen who chose to be randomly assigned to a roommate. He advised students to use school resources like the resident adviser (RA) and housing offices if they need help with regards to their lodging or roommates.

A common problem with roommates is when one boyfriend or girlfriend overstays their welcome. The publication noted that roommates should have an agreement, early on, about when and how long guests are allowed to stay in the room.

"The second there are red flags with your roommate, don't think 'oh it'll get better,' it won't," Kellyann Wargo from the University of Michigan said. "You should try to switch."

Wargo experienced a roommate from hell who had her mom call the room phone every morning to wake her roommate up. However, her roommate would never answer the phone and she would end up talking with her roommate's mother each time.