
Jury Convicts Former University of Arizona Graduate Student of Murdering Professor Thomas Meixner on Campus


A Pima County Superior Court jury has convicted Murad Dervish, a former University of Arizona graduate student, of six felony counts, including first-degree murder for the shooting death of Professor Thomas Meixner on campus in October 2022.

The verdict was reached after less than three hours of deliberation on Tuesday, underscoring the jury's decisive stance on the case. The Associated Press reported the details of the trial and the tragic events leading up to the murder.

(Photo : WIKIMEDIA COMMONS / Michael Barera)

The Crime and the Trial

Thomas Meixner, who chaired the university's hydrology and atmospheric sciences department, was shot and killed by Dervish, who had previously been barred from campus. The incident shocked the academic community, raising serious concerns about campus security and the handling of threats posed by individuals with known behavioral issues.

During the trial, Dervish's defense attorney, Leo Masursky, argued that his client was experiencing a psychotic episode at the time of the murder. Masursky contended that Dervish's actions were not premeditated and that his client was legally insane, which, if accepted by the jury, could have led to Dervish being committed to a psychiatric hospital instead of prison. However, the prosecution, led by Mark Hotchkiss, presented evidence that Dervish had purchased the pistol used in the killing a month prior, demonstrating a level of premeditation.

The jury, after reviewing the evidence and hearing testimonies, found Dervish guilty of first-degree murder and other related charges. This conviction brings a sense of closure to a case that has deeply affected the University of Arizona community.

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Institutional Failures and Security Lapses

In the aftermath of the murder, two significant reports were commissioned to investigate the university's handling of the threats posed by Dervish. A University of Arizona faculty committee and an external safety and security firm both released findings that were highly critical of the university's actions, or lack thereof.

The university-commissioned report revealed that Dervish had "harassed and targeted" at least five members of Meixner's department before the murder. It pointed out critical failures in the university's approach to safety and security, noting that there was no centralized system for training, awareness, or reporting security concerns.

Additionally, the University of Arizona Police Department (UAPD) did not conduct a background check on Dervish and failed to arrest him a week before the shooting when he visited the UAPD station to check his vehicle's license plate number.

The faculty report highlighted further lapses, including a criminal report by UAPD a month before the shooting, which stated there was no indication that Dervish intended to return to campus. This conclusion was reached despite numerous reports from faculty members who had seen Dervish on campus. The failure to take these reports seriously contributed to the tragic outcome.

Community Impact and Response

The murder of Thomas Meixner sent shockwaves through the University of Arizona community, prompting an outpouring of grief and a call for substantial changes in campus security protocols. Members of Meixner's department had taken their own precautions, including purchasing bullet-proof vests and temporarily relocating due to the perceived threat posed by Dervish.

In response to the reports and the widespread criticism, the university has pledged to overhaul its security measures. This includes better coordination of threat assessments, improved communication channels for reporting security concerns, and ensuring that all threats are taken seriously and acted upon promptly. The resignation of Paula Balafas, the police chief at the time of the shooting, was one of the immediate changes following the incident.

The faculty and students have called for a more transparent and accountable system that ensures the safety of everyone on campus. The tragedy has also highlighted the need for better mental health support and intervention strategies for individuals showing signs of severe psychological distress.

As the university community continues to heal, the conviction of Murad Dervish serves as a somber reminder of the importance of vigilance, communication, and proactive measures in preventing such tragedies. Thomas Meixner's legacy as a dedicated educator and leader in his field will be remembered even as the institution works to ensure that no such incident ever occurs again.

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