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Florida Atlantic University Reboots Presidential Search Following Controversial Pause


Florida Atlantic University (FAU) finds itself at a critical juncture as it restarts its search for a new president after a tumultuous journey marred by controversy and political entanglements.

The original search, initiated in January 2023, came to an abrupt halt amid allegations of board missteps and violations of state laws. Now, with a fresh start in mind, FAU's Board of Trustees is embarking on a renewed quest for leadership, hoping to steer the university towards stability and excellence.

(Photo : WIKIMEDIA COMMONS / KnightLago)

The Missteps of the Past

The first attempt to find FAU's next president was fraught with challenges from the outset. The use of a straw poll by search committee members to anonymously rank candidates led to allegations of violating the state Sunshine Law. Additionally, claims surfaced that political influences may have played a role in derailing the process, particularly surrounding the alleged assurance given to GOP lawmaker Randy Fine by Governor Ron DeSantis that he was a frontrunner for the position.

These alleged anomalies, coupled with internal divisions within the board, ultimately led to the suspension of the search in July, leaving FAU without a permanent president for an extended period. The resignation of former FAU Board Chair Brad Levine further underscored the turmoil surrounding the failed search, highlighting the need for a reset.

READ MORE: Florida Atlantic University's Presidential Search Saga: Stalled Process, Political Intrigues, And The Road Ahead 

FAU Presidential Search 2.0

The recent meeting of FAU's Board of Trustees, under the leadership of new chair Piero Bussani, marked the official relaunch of the presidential search. Bussani acknowledged the past challenges and emphasized the importance of moving forward with unity and purpose. Addressing internal divisions and the need to focus on university achievements, Bussani called for a fresh start, urging the board to leave behind the negativity of the past.

With guidance from the Florida Board of Governors, FAU aims to hire a search firm by June and begin the search process in earnest. The university is optimistic about naming a new president by the end of the year or shortly thereafter, signaling a renewed commitment to finding the right leader to guide FAU into its next chapter.

Presidential Hiring Trends in Florida

FAU's renewed search comes amidst a broader trend in Florida where Republican lawmakers are increasingly stepping into top leadership roles within the state's higher education institutions. This trend, exemplified by recent appointments such as Ray Rodrigues as chancellor of the State University System of Florida and Ben Sasse as president of the University of Florida, raises questions about the intersection of politics and academia in the state.

While some argue that these appointments bring valuable perspectives and experience to the table, others express concerns about the potential politicization of higher education leadership. Critics point to instances where political considerations appeared to influence hiring decisions, such as the failed presidential search at South Florida State College, where a Republican state lawmaker with no higher education experience was ultimately appointed as president.

As FAU embarks on its renewed quest for a new president, the university stands at a crossroads. The search represents more than just filling a vacant position; it is about setting a course for the future and reaffirming FAU's commitment to excellence in higher education. With the lessons learned from past missteps and a clear vision for the future, FAU is poised to find a leader who will guide the university towards continued success and distinction.

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