Because buying your home is oftentimes considered one of the major milestones for a student both in finances and in life, hence you should make sure everything goes as you want and you've made the right choice. This is one big commitment, so keep in mind that it will be one of the biggest investments in your life. When planning to purchase your first home, you should first determine if you're ready or not to make this huge step. You should understand that having homeownership is oftentimes more expensive than renting, thus you'll be in charge of plenty of things such as utility costs, home maintenance, water and electricity.
And, that's not all. As soon as you've moved into your new home, you'll encounter payments for taxes and insurances you'll need depending on where you live. Let's say you've already established a budget for your new home but you also need to consider a few essential features if you want everything to go as planned.
Image Source: https://www.moneyunder30.com/how-much-house-can-you-afford
1. Consider Other People's Experience
Most probably you've heard it millions of times, but consulting with someone with experience is the best thing you could do when it comes to purchasing your first house. It's a huge investment, an important step that will determine almost every aspect of your life so you should not get hasty in decisions. When start searching for a home, listening to other people's opinions is a smart move.
This is an important decision and you should not rush the process. When looking for a home, you need to make use of everything that can give you reliable information such as friends or family members with a lot of opinions.
Certainly, not everyone will be able to offer you a piece of grounded advice, but if someone you know very well has recently purchased a house, they may be able to provide you essential details when it comes to the home-buying process.
Oftentimes other people's experience matters so you should take into consideration this aspect. For instance, those who have worked in the real estate domain, title industries or home improvements for some time, most certainly know what they say, so make sure you hear them. Experience matters as well when you pick your realtor since he should be able to come with reliable recommendations and solid advice about the local market.
2. Determine How Much You Can Afford
This is highly important when you hit the streets with your realtor. Having a real sense of your budget is important if you want everything to go as planned and get the much-dreamed home. Here, your credit score will determine whether you're ready to get a loan approval or even make a down payment. To get a pre-approval for your loan won't be an easy task, but it does help you determine what type of mortgage you can handle. These numbers are decisive, thus will determine how much you need to consider for a down payment.
Additionally, these numbers are determined by the state you live in, the Federal Housing Administration loans, and by the deals, you'll make with sellers. If you find a home that's not suitable to your pre-approval limit or you simply can't afford putting that 20 % down cash, there's no reason to worry. No matter how much you enjoy a house, sticking with your budget is the smartest choice ever.
3. The Location
For students who plan to purchase their first home, location is perhaps the most important feature to consider. A great location will remain the best asset no matter how the local market changes in the future. No matter where you choose to move to the United States there's a big chance you'll have to deal with natural disasters and severe weather events.
For instance, homeowners in Florida are at risk of being hit by a hurricane at any time from June to November. However, if you're investing in hurricane insurance in Florida you can obtain coverage for the hurricane wind damage. This should be a smart move for those who are looking to limit the exposure to that risk and feel protected. The location is an important aspect you need to consider when purchasing your first home, thus you should plan it wisely.
4. The Type of Home You Need
Simply put, before getting too hasty in decisions, you should establish a list of priorities. What type and size of home you need? What are your future plans? Take some time and ask yourself these questions before investing in something you'll regret sooner or later. Consider this. A bigger house will atomically mean that you'll have even more space to maintain, twice more utility bills to take care of and more problems that could appear. Who needs that? Thus, contemplate on these facts before investing in a space bigger than the one where you've lived before.
5. Proximity to College and Work
Every student knows how important is to attend in time to college and the workplace. Buying a home in close proximity to your college and workplace would not only make your life easier, but it will also influence your capital growth. Thus, you might need to consider the accessibility and infrastructure of the area you live in. Is your location well connected by the train networks or roadway? Or amenities such as internet connectivity and parks are available and suitable for your need? Check out for this information before purchasing your first home.
These are just some of the few features you might need to consider when planning to purchase your first home. It might not be as easy as you thought, thus you have to decide on your needs and priorities and consult with an experienced realtor to make sure everything goes as planned. Make an estimation of your budget, start looking for opportunities and be patient. Moving into your first home is a big step that will determine every aspect of your life.