The answer to the question of university teachers "How to teach students with disabilities?" is ambiguous. Some psycho-pedagogical support is organized in schools for disabled students: specialists with different competencies monitor their both mental and physical health. The special training programs are developed according to how students cope with the load, learn material, communicate with peers; a piece of advice is also given to teachers. Scientists from the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences of Tyumen State University propose to organize such support in universities. The results were presented on Nov. 1 at the All-Russian Conference "The quality of life of the youth with disabilities: between vision and reality.
In most cases, a serious physical restriction (impaired vision, impaired hearing, musculoskeletal system disorders, etc.) leaves its mark on human development. It can lead to a decrease in mental performance, distortion of the knowledge of the world and difficulties in interacting with it, bad coordination, lack of social experience and communication. For example, it is much more difficult for people with congenital hearing and visual impairments to comprehend the meanings of words and build connections between them, express their thoughts and, as a result, communicate properly. These features should be taken into account when building a dialogue with these students and developing studying programs, as well as presenting material and managing the assessment system.
One of the solutions proposed by scientists from Tyumen State University is to create a special structural unit in universities -- a Council, which will comprise specialists from different fields. Its ultimate goal will be to create conditions for the education of disabled students. So, the Council includes organizational, medical-social and educational-methodical units. The task of the organizational unit is the regulatory support of work, support for graduates and applicants with disabilities, as well as communication with other universities and cooperation with state and private organizations (for example, companies where graduates can get jobs). The activity of the medical-social unit will focus on identifying the special educational needs of students and developing adapted educational programs depending on their health status. Another significant task is to create such conditions that will allow students to develop their abilities, necessary qualities and skills, adjust themselves during the learning process. A special schedule and load regime should be organized too. In addition, it is necessary to identify difficulties and barriers in learning in terms of developing personal qualities and life competencies. The educational-methodical unit is designed to help teachers in organization of the educational process for students with disabilities. It is important to pay attention to the ability of a teacher to understand the peculiarities of students, as well as to their readiness to work with disabled students.
"The mission of the Council is to predict risks, overcome barriers to the professional development of students with specific educational needs and prevent their further material and social dependence on relatives or the state," said Natalya Malyarchuk, doctor of pedagogy and candidate of medical sciences, head of the department of Age Physiology of special and inclusive education of Tyumen State University.