
How to Play Like a Winner in Horizon Zero Dawn; Serious Tricks and Tips for Rookies


Who thought battling dinosaur robots can be this fun. Gamers must be witty, cunning, and must have fast reflexes when playing this game. Besides those attributes, there are certain tips and tricks gamers can follow to play "Horizon Zero Dawn" like a pro.

List of tips and tricks from Pros

The fast travel system featured in "Horizon Zero Dawn" is limited and consumable. But there is an item that could help gamers use the fast travel system infinitely, Forbes reported. The game may not blatantly tell the gamers that an item like this exists, but it can be found at the bottom of the list in any normal vendor's inventory.

Players should look for health plants, which are taller and red, to heal since the game doesn't have life generation features. Players could also go to a campfire and save, and choose "restart from save" to automatically regenerate their character's health. Another tip is to get the Tinker perk, which lets gamers swap mods in and out to their armor and weapons, which is very helpful during battles.

Gamers should learn which perks are useless and should be avoided. Each weapon has a tutorial that would teach players how to get thousands more bonus XP. Players farming for XP or Hearts should learn how to use the full potential of campfire's close to the enemies they are fighting.

Players should take advantage of this feature. Players should also learn how to utilize the icon that appears above elemental effect attacks to use their full potentials. Fire is one of the most useful elemental effect that players can use in almost any situation. Another tip is to look for faded light blue legends on the map, which are places of interest that most gamers miss.

Game's difficulty is unbelievable

When the difficulty increases, players can utilize the ropecaster to pin threats on the ground while battling other enemies attacking in hordes, Kotaku reported. This is very useful against flying enemies. Close-quarter rattlers are also very effective against dinosaurs that appears out of nowhere catching players unprepared.

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