Amid financial challenges, including a decline in enrollment, increased expenses and a modest endowment, Anderson University announced it will make strategic cuts to its staff and programs, according to the Herald Bulletin.

After suffering a 7 percent decrease in enrollment, the private Christian university will cut 4 percent of its workforce and eliminate its theater, philosophy and French majors.

In response, Anderson officials are trying to cut $3 million from the school's $65 million annual budget.

"This journey is unavoidable," Dr. James. L. Edwards, president of Anderson University, said in a statement. "The promise of doing this work will enable us to better utilize our resources and strengthen our mission for the future. Above all, we are committed to student success and to the historic mission that we hold as precious and worthy of a vibrant future."

The university's Board of Trustees recently approved a strategy that will cut 16 faculty and staff positions agreed and reduce, combine or cut some of the major programs it offers, according to a press release. As a part of the plan, Art+Design and communications will be combined under a department of Visual and Communication Arts.

"The pressures facing higher education are more extraordinary than at any time on our nearly 100-year history," Edwards said. "The adjustments we are making will greatly optimize our financial position with the right programs and the right pathways for accessing these programs to ensure student success."

Students studying in the academic areas affected by the strategy will be contacted to "ensure the integrity of their academic timeline," according to a press release.

The university also announced that a new academic structure will be implemented to ensure "centrality" of the liberal arts and encourage collaboration across various academic disciplines.

In addition, the strategic plans will call for a significant reduction of expenses and alignment of institutional priorities which will take effect in the next school year. In a statement, Edwards said the loss of enrollment was a primary driver to the approved changes.

The full-time equivalent re-enrollment last year was 1,753. The enrollment decreased to 1,628 this academic year. The cuts announced thus far amounts to only $1.7 million.

Administrative officials of Anderson University said they're currently working through a series of strategies to advance the university. Those strategies include a redesign of liberal arts curriculum and a review of administrative services.