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'Westworld' Reveals Different Timeline in Twists As it Nears its Finale


Plot twists just keeps on coming in Westworld as the series has only one episode left - the finale. Some of the twists offer big reveals, especially confirming the theory that the show is happening in different timelines.

William Logan Story

There are theories claiming that the story between William, played by Jimmi Simpson, and Logan, played by Ben Barnes, takes place so many years ago before the present day, especially because they weren't seen interacting with the main characters who were human, The Wrap reported.

Some fans even theorize that William is the younger version of the "Man in Black", who is played by Ed Harris.

The Man in Black theory might not yet been confirmed, but episode 9 "The Well-Tempered Clavier" somehow hints that the William and Logan plot and the present aren't the only eras in the show.

The reveal about the timeline was shown through a photo from Logan, which he took out while yelling at William. The photo show's an image of Logan's sister, William's fiancé. That photo was shown during the first episode of the show. That means William or Logan is going to lose the photo, which Peter will recover in the future.

Arnold is, In Fact, Bernard

Another twist in the show that reveals the different timeline is how Anthony Hopkin's Dr. Ford rebuilt Arnold, his partner who has been dead for a long time, Esquire reported. Arnold was supposedly killed by Dolores. This means, Bernard is Arnold's zombie robot.

Also, the scenes where Bernard was talking to Dolores in private were actually scenes of Arnold talking to Dolores. It actually means Arnold, who built the hosts' consciousness, have been making scientific tests on hosts to find out their sentience. He did this in an underground area that has a secret passage through the confession booth of the church, where hosts could easily access.

Meanwhile, Arnold was dead when William and Logan made it to the park. That's thee separate timelines in all.

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