Dexter Holland, the lead vocalist from the band The Offspring has a hot sauce that can burn your throat but did you know that he has a degree in Science?

The punk rocker has a doctorate degree in Molecular Biology. It is not a well known info but he had to pause his higher education in order to focus on the band. When The Offsprings took off with "Come out and Play," he decided to separate music and school. According to Sioux City Journal, Dexter Holland wanted to focus on one thing. He chose music over school.

This American musician is known for being the band's vocalist, rhythm guitarist and primary song writer. It took much of his time. Which is why he could not focus on being a molecular biology student.

Did you know that he graduated as a valedictorian in Pacifica High School in 1984? He was the best student in Math during that year. He was also quoted to have said that it is "just as exciting as punk rock." Which is probably why he chose molecular biology as his major in the University of Southern California. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a MS in Molecular Biology. He started on his PhD in molecular biology thereafter but had to stop. At that point, the lure of a successful career in punk rock was exciting to him. But that does not mean he has no plans of picking up his education.

Holland stated at one point that he would rather be a professor at a university than play music. This was his goal when he turns 40 years old.

Did you know that he was a doctoral student of Viral Oncology and Proteomics? He is involved in the research and pathogenicity of HIV.

Although he is well known for being a vocalist of The Offsprings and for his Gringo Bandito hot sauce, it does not sway the fact that he is secretly a genius.

Want to know some more Dexter Holland facts? Check out the video below: