The American actress Calista Flockhart, is confirmed to return to the drama series "Supergirl" as a recurring guest star and starts production in Vancouver next week.

As the boss of Kara (Melissa Benoist) and media magnate Cat Grant, Flockhart was a series regular in the first season of the show on CBS. But, when the "Supergirl" series transferred to the television broadcasting company - The CW, which the production moved from L.A. to Vancouver, questions then fired up about how much the L.A.-based actress would appear in the second season.

But, Calista will appear in multiple episodes starting with the October 10 season 2 premiere. As executive producer Andrew Kreisberg stated that "Supergirl" wouldn't be the same without the amazing Flockhart as Cat Grant.

Kreisberg also said that they are so excited that Flockhart has agreed to continue on the drama series when she can. As the production and the audience would love to see the actress on screen, according to Entertainment Weekly.

Though the character of Flockhart isn't exactly the focus to Kara's adventures in trying to save the world from a plethora of evil threats, Cat Grant was pretty essential to setting the tone of Season 1 as partially commenting on Supergirl's secrets and also as a source of irritable humor, Cinema Blend reported.

However, Cat Grant was created by Marv Wolfman and Jerry Ordway as a potential love interest for Clark Kent/Superman. But, the relationship ended pretty early and Cat stayed away from the hunky Kansas farm boy.

"Supergirl" was the first time Flockhart's character has been given a lot to do in a live-action interpretation, and as a series regular in the first season the character was not only Kara's direct superior but also the Queen of All Media.

Anyway, their relationship on "Supergirl" season 2 will be different as Kara still works for CatCo, but not as Grant's personal assistant anymore, according to Comic Book.

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