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Sexual Harassment Training Turns Out To Be Futile In Terms Of Preventing Misconduct!


Federal labor regulators have adjudged that sexual harassment prevention training is futile many a time, in fact it can occasionally be harmful, in a new report that further establishes growing claims that Universities in the United States are incapable of resisting gender discrimination.

A working party of the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission discovered that initiatives at workplace that claim to target harassment, are actually more focused on fending off legal liability rather than putting a lid on misconduct; reflecting the concerns of faculty members at the University of California at Berkeley, which has grabbed international attention citing its high-profile scandals.

The latest report from two commissioners of the EEOC - which imposes employment discrimination laws - comes at a time when experts have regularly disputed the standard responses to harassment. Undeterred by public views, college administrators and employers continue to lay emphasis on training initiative, however critics say there are hardly any evidences to back the claim that these courses actually work, The Guardian reported.

EEOC commissioner and co-author of the report, Chai Feldblum said he was shocked to discover that the type of anti-harassment training that has been done until now, is actually ineffective when it comes to changing behaviors.

They have stayed level-high and level, and that's not an ideal place for it to be, Feldblum told CBS Money Watch (via CBSNews) about the harassment claims.

The report divulges that about three or four workers who are given a hard time by their co-workers citing either their sex (pregnancy, gender identity and sexual orientation), race, religion, disability, fear rejection of their claim, stagnation on the claim, social or professional retribution or even blame.

Outmoded, sporadic and unsatisfactorily designed training methods contribute to the problem. Besides, participants usually do not take the mandatory schooling as seriously as they ideally should.

Apparently, the training done over the last 30 years did not yield expected results and has clearly failed to act as a prevention tool, according to the EEOC commissioners.

Faulty members at UC Berkeley noted that the EEOC report reflects the exact problems that prevail at their own school, which has build up its training efforts from time to time and have promised to invest in programs in the wake of scandals.

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