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Arduboy, The 'Business Card' Gameboy That Fits In Your Wallet And Plays Tetris, Other Games


It's a competitive world out there, which means if your business is related to video games in any way, you may want to consider updating your cards once the Arduboy is ready. Its current prototype is the size of a business card with a small OLED screen and basic control pad capable of playing Tetris and performing other small features, Tech Crunch reported.

Though Kevin Bates, Arduboy's designer, dubbed his invention the "Interactive Digital Business Card," it's unclear if it is being marketed as a business card, compared to the size of one for easy carrying, or if the term business card is being used in a different way. On his website, (for "Bates" and the first two letters of his first name, which also appear on the prototype), the entrepreneur writes that once he hits requisite funding benchmarks, he hopes to sell them for $30 each (shipped) -- $50 for hand-crafted, limited edition versions and $100 for specially designed units. For that price, it would seem impractical to hand them out en masse unless you're selling the machines Will Smith did in the "Pursuit of Happyness."

Still, the fate of the Arduboy (so named for the Arduino system it uses and Gameboy it resembles) is to be determined based on how well it does on Crowdfund and Kickstarter. Currently, it still contains remnants of the circuit board from which it was made.

Bates said he overcame design problems by tinkering with its various parts.

"Inspiration struck when I was working with the OLED module," he wrote on his website. "For some time I had been pondering the best method for protecting and otherwise accounting for the flex ribbon on the screen within the design of the circuit board. When prototyping, the screen laid flat against the breakout board and this felt like the most natural orientation for the display to be installed. Placing a circuit board next to the OLED screen revealed near identical height and in that moment I knew it was time to get to work."

He hopes to eventually add Pokemon and other games.

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