In a bold move, the Office for Students (OfS) in England is set to publicly name universities, colleges, and students' unions that fail to uphold free speech duties.

The initiative, expected to be implemented in August, is part of a comprehensive approach outlined in response to the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill that became law in May.

List of Universities and Colleges That Fail to Uphold Free Speech to be Released by UK Watchdog
UNSPLASH / Sander Crombach

A New Chapter for Free Speech

In a significant development for academic freedom, the OfS is gearing up to enforce free speech obligations on higher education institutions and students' unions in England. The move follows the recent passage of the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill, signaling a commitment to protecting lawful freedom of speech on campuses.

The legislation, effective from August, requires universities, colleges, and students' unions to take specific actions to ensure freedom of speech within the bounds of the law. Importantly, this excludes unlawful speech, such as harassment, incitement to violence, or terrorism. The aim is to strike a balance between fostering an open exchange of ideas and preventing harm or illegal activities.

Public Naming and Fines for Accountability

The OfS, as the higher education watchdog, plans to establish a free-to-use complaints scheme. Under this proposed mechanism, students, staff, and visiting speakers can file complaints if they believe their free speech rights have been restricted. If the complaints are justified, institutions may be required to make payments to the complainants. Additionally, non-compliant students' unions may face fines.

Professor Arif Ahmed, the OfS director for freedom of speech, emphasized the regulator's commitment to transparency. In a briefing, he stated that the OfS would "normally expect" to publish its decisions when complaints about free speech are upheld. This includes publicly identifying universities, colleges, and students' unions that fail to fulfill their duties to secure free speech.

The proposed complaints scheme, set to be operational from August 1, aims to provide a swift and cost-free avenue for individuals to address grievances related to free speech. Professor Ahmed highlighted that these measures would offer stronger protections without the need for significant financial backing or legal proceedings, thus safeguarding freedom of speech for all.

Response from UK Universities

Responding to the proposed measures, a spokesperson for Universities UK (UUK) reiterated the sector's commitment to freedom of speech and academic freedom. Emphasizing the importance of collaboration between the Office for Students and the sector, UUK expressed a willingness to engage in the development of plans to regulate freedom of speech to ensure a conducive environment for the expression of lawful views on campus.

Addressing potential concerns over the limits of free speech, Professor Ahmed clarified that the boundary lies between what the law permits and what it doesn't. While advocating for open discourse, he emphasized that speech amounting to illegal harassment, incitement to violence, or stirring up racial and religious hatred would not be protected.

As the Office for Students prepares to implement these measures, it marks a significant step in fostering a culture of open dialogue within higher education institutions. By holding entities accountable for upholding free speech duties, the watchdog aims to strike a balance between preserving academic freedom and preventing harm, contributing to a more robust and transparent higher education landscape in England.