AI in the education system has been applied with a traditional approach for decades. On that note, computer-based teaching and learning programs were first developed in the 1960s. However, in the last few years, the presence of AI in schools and colleges has gradually become accepted as an effective tool for automating numerous tasks.
For example, If students have questions about their schedule, chatbots can answer them. AI-generated emails remind students to register for classes, notify them of important deadlines, and turn in assignments. Even plagiarism is something that AI-based software can efficiently detect and control. Chatbots are used along with virtual learning assistants that provide personalized feedback to students.
While developing AI, some creators overlooked the fact that machine-made decisions would reflect human biases. Bias is an issue with AI, so a need for regulating tools like the AI Bill of Rights appeared. According to ExpressVPN's blog piece, it aims to protect the public from the harm that automated systems can produce through their various algorithms.
Learning can be fun
With all the help it undoubtedly provides, AI can make education even more amusing. Interactive and personalized student learning experiences and using different gadgets make learning fun.
Every student has a different learning pace and style, so personalized learning can be an entertaining way to reach their educational goals. AI analyzes students' needs and customizes learning content to match their abilities and interests. An example of personalized learning is AI-powered voice assistants like Siri or Alexa. They can answer students' questions, provide information, and guide them through learning.
Even getting feedback on your work becomes more fun when you get it in real-time, with AI highlighting areas for improvement while providing resources and support.
Gamification is also an example of a jolly implementation of AI in education. Content creators or teachers can use AI to create educational games that make learning more engaging and entertaining. Gamification can help students learn through play and improve their motivation to learn.
Virtual and augmented reality in the learning process
VR, which stands for virtual reality, uses a computer-generated environment to stimulate a realistic user experience. A headset that displays 3D images and responds to their movement in real-time provides users with a unique experience, allowing them to interact with the virtual environment as if it were real. Unlike VR, in augmented reality, the user sees the real world with added computer-generated elements, usually displayed through a smartphone, tablet, or smart glasses. It does not create a wholly simulated environment but overlays digital information onto the real world.
So, how can you use them in the learning process?
Virtual and augmented reality can revolutionize education by making learning more interactive, engaging, and immersive. More interactive learning enables students to explore concepts more engagingly.
Even field trips to remote or inaccessible locations are just a few steps away. If students want to experience Europe, Asia, Antarctica, or even outer space or underwater ecosystems, now they can. Simulations provide adventures in a safe, controlled environment.
There are many VR field trip options available, like Google Arts and Culture. Using the app, teachers can take their students on virtual field trips to various locations around the globe. Discovery VR is another app that provides access to multiple trips, including visits to the Amazon rainforest and the International Space Station. At the same time, the platform VR Classroom allows teachers to create their own VR field trips using 360-degree photos and videos.
VR can provide students with immersive, interactive stories that bring literature, history, and other subjects to life. And, if students are in different locations, VR can facilitate collaboration, allowing them to work together on projects and discuss ideas.
AR allows students to visualize complex concepts by overlaying digital images or models onto physical objects or environments.
While VR and AR technologies are still relatively new and expensive, they are becoming more accessible, making it easier for schools and educators to incorporate them into their curriculums.
Final thoughts
Overall, AI is already making education more enjoyable and engaging for students, enabling them to learn more effectively and efficiently. Students can have fun while learning in a personalized way, with a customized approach and real-time feedback. AI will continue to develop and grow, and it certainly has its place in the education system.