OVR today announces the creation of OVR Land Map, a technology capable of generating a detailed 3D map of the physical world through the use of a simple smartphone.
The Italian company, which has become famous for its Augmented Reality (AR) NFTs of OVRLand and metaverse, wants to overcome its own limitations by introducing the possibility for users to participate in scanning images, incentivizing them with OVR tokens.
OVR Land Map and OVR Land Scan
The OVR metaverse is ready to take it to another level with this revolutionary new mapping system technology: OVR Land Map.
Essentially, when geolocating an AR asset in an OVR Land, there is a limit to the accuracy of the GPS, which hardly goes below 6 meters. With the new solution of a scanned OVRLand, the location accuracy will be as low as 10 cm.
OVR Land Scan is the new way that OVR offers its users to participate in what is called the Map-to-Earn. Without needing lidar or other expensive HW, each participant will be able to scan physical locations with their smartphone and earn OVR tokens.
OVRLand and the metaverse at another level
Thanks to the OVR Land Scan and the OVR Land Map, all people will be able to contribute to creating the largest detailed 3D map of the real world, so that the AR and NFT metaverse surpasses itself.
Indeed, among the many opportunities, it will be possible to locate experiences on a specific wall or an outdoor statue, precisely overlay AR on existing buildings, geolocate assets indoors and on multiple floors, and much more.
Davide Cuttini, CEO of OVR commented:
"When I imagine a world where reality and virtuality are fused, where thanks to small contact lenses I can't distinguish real and unreal projections, the crowdsourced 3D world scanning is the fundamental brick to create an amazing new infrastructure. Without the complete understanding of the real world through AI models available from commodity devices, no AR platforms will see a real adoption. I think that OVR is in the right direction to democratize access to this amazing new way to live our lives!".
OVRLand and the incentives for scanners
This valuable detail for the OVR metaverse is directly incentivized by the company, which will allocate a portion of OVRLand sales revenue to OVR Land Scanners.
Not only that, the incentive system for the scanners will also come from the owners of OVRLand NFTs who decide to add 3D mapping and from institutions that will be able to exploit the OVR platform to populate the public utility layer of their territories.
According to data reported by the Italian company, in the last year alone, "treasure hunters" have physically gone to over a million locations to collect OVR tokens. Thanks to their participation, OVRLand is said to have mapped 300,000 km².
To choose the locations to be scanned with smartphones, OVR, in collaboration with the owners of OVRLand, have now generated a map based on the "Wisdom of the Crowds", for which 6000 investors will vote with their assets on the most important locations in the world.