After doing a few simple Google searches, you've probably come across dozens of different supplements that are said to help with enhancing performance. The truth is, not all of these supplements will work when it comes to building mass, strength, and endurance.
When I first started working out, I quickly started researching various supplements that could help me enhance my performance. I wasn't looking to put my health at risk and wanted a safe alternative to help me reach my goals.
After trying pretty much all the popular products available on the market, I found that there is only a handful of supplements that can help you. If you're a serious athlete or bodybuilder that wants to take their performance to the next level, take a look at the three following supplements.
1. Legal Steroids. These products are designed by a well-known company in the industry called Crazy bulk. The name of these products pretty much speak for themselves. They are safe and legal alternatives to androgenic anabolic steroids. It means that they give similar results, but they don't have any side effects. I can personally vouch for these products as they do work when it comes to boosting performance. They are also entirely legal to use and possess.
2. BCAA's, or better yet known as branched-chain amino acids. What most people don't know is that this product has been scientifically proven to help accelerate recovery. Recovery is critical when it comes to growing your muscles. Branched-chain amino acids are also said to help stimulate protein synthesis. We advise taking them before or during your workout to make sure your body absorbs them with it is most needed.
3. Protein Powder. One of the most popular protein powders is called Whey protein. A typical serving of whey protein consists of 20 to 25 grams of protein. The more protein your body consumes, the faster it will grow. In case you didn't know, proteins are the building blocks of the human body. It is also worth mentioning that whey protein contains a large serving of branched-chain amino acids, which is very beneficial, as previously mentioned. These BCAA's are typically absorbed very quickly by the body.
These supplements can be beneficial for every severe athlete out there. You can start out by picking one of the above supplements and adding them to your daily routine to see how it affects your progress. Usually, the effects start showing within just one to two weeks. You'll be able to tell what kind of impact they had on your muscle mass, performance, and recovery. Keep in mind, building muscle can be quite intense, and it doesn't happen overnight. Make sure to wait at least several weeks before adding in more supplements.
For those that want to take it to the next level, we suggest stacking these three supplements together. It puts your body in the perfect environment to grow. Based on our personal experience, using these supplements nearly doubles the amount of muscle mass, you can gain.