The basis of socio-psychological problems of first-year students is an adaptation to new social conditions. Many first-year students are faced with such a phenomenon as stress, anxiety, apathy, which are associated with the fact that they begin to enter independent adult life, search for their ego, new acquaintances, and relationships, the organization of a new study and leisure time.
Thus, for successful adaptation, it is necessary not only to be ready for changes but also to take an active position in educational activities. The most challenging period of adaptation to new conditions is the first school week. This is also the time newcomers start drinking alcohol and using drugs, trying to look cool in front of older students - the risks of becoming addicted increases very fast.
There are women's and men's rehab centers for students which offer help in the very first stages of alcohol or drug addiction. However, it is always better to prevent such unpleasant consequences.
Causes of Freshman Depression
As a rule, after entering the university, an enthusiastic sense of euphoria disappears already in mid-September, and laziness, spleen, and depression replace it. Even students cannot explain such changes in their own mood, not to mention teachers and parents who let their children go into adulthood.
The answer must be sought inside since the behavior of a freshman, his thoughts, and actions are a consequence of the internal imbalance that occurs with a sharp change in the environment and the usual routine of life.
There are some reasons first-year students get depressed and might begin using drugs:
1. The new environment. Sometimes it isn't very easy to get used to new people, especially since students of different social status gather at the university.
Here the deep inferiority complexes, inner self-doubt, unconscious fears, and recognition of one's own lack of communication appear.
2. Strict teachers and hard studying. If school teachers try to make every student love their subject and do their best, the university lecturer does not care about students' performance. Studying becomes hard from the very beginning, there is no time to prepare well for every lecture. There is also no time to sleep.
3. Competition or natural selection. Not always, you can immediately meet people who will become friends for the rest of their lives.
As a rule, the freshmen are only fishing each other, so one does not even have to think about devotion, loyalty, and self-sacrifice during this period. Perhaps, a certain circle of communication will be formed later, but for now, a student is more likely to get bored.
4. Increased parental pressure. Very often, instead of helping, the closest people begin to exert increased pressure, recalling the future profession, the duty to the efforts of parents, and life choices. A student feels obligated to everyone, so such a responsibility, of course, crushes and spoils a wonderful mood. It is important to understand that study and the final result are the primary task of each student.
Ways to Speed Up The Adaptation
There are ways to help students avoid feelings of spleen and loneliness, protect them from despair, and speed up the process of adaptation at university.
Method One: Social Activities. When a student realizes himself in all areas as much as possible, he does not have time to get bored and depressed - every minute is scheduled. Thanks to such a rich lifestyle, the adaptation process will be quick and barely noticeable, so you don't have to worry about it.
Method Two: Sport. If a student was into sports at school, he could easily transfer this hobby to his student life. Sport is always useful and aesthetically pleasing, but the main thing is that you can meet new people who also share this love. There will certainly be something to talk about with them.
Method three: Priorities. Every freshman, coming to study at the university, has to set priorities. It is important to answer three main questions:
1. Why did I start to study?
2. What do I want to achieve?
3. How will I implement the goals?
If you correctly formulate the answers in your head, then the adaptation process can be considered completely finished. Such a schedule will allow you to get rid of the blues and focus on study. All the difficulties and obstacles will seem to be a completely natural phenomenon on the way to the goal.
Method four: exploring a new world. The adaptation process is complicated and exhausting only in those cases when a person finds himself in an unfamiliar situation and does not find a way out. Sensations at such moments are not the most pleasant and can be the main cause of mental depression.
So that the spleen does not cover already in the first year, it is necessary to study the conditions of a new habitat carefully. You can adapt to any team. The main thing is to find the right approach to the new environment, take a certain position in society, and demonstrate all your sociability.
When Everything Went Wrong
In a case a student can't deal with academic pressure, stress, and other problems, they can turn to drugs. The most frequently used drugs among students are marijuana and psychotropic substances such as anabolic steroids, "study drugs," antidepressants.
If a student or their relatives recognize female or male addiction, it is better to go straight to rehab for men or women consequently. Usually, they have different programs and help students quit very fast so that they could continue studying as soon as possible. For example, there are outpatient drug rehabs, which allow students to combine treatment with the education process.
Keep in mind, there are always a lot of options to quit because of rehab or friends, so don't give up. It is always better to talk to your family about all the problems you have and together you will be able to find the right solution.