Relationships can often be complicated in college. Everyone tries to discover themselves and experiment with all different types of people. It's difficult enough to find someone willing to commit, but staying faithful through all the ups and downs is a whole other thing. There are many things that you should regularly look out for to see if your match is still just as good. Here are five signs that might point to trouble:
Disregard For Each other
One of the key aspects of a good connection between two people is the respect they have for each other. Your relationship is in trouble if both of you keep disrespecting and continually insulting each other. Both the halves of a couple should build each other up, instead of throwing them down. Try to complement more often; otherwise, it might not last.
There Is No Trust
If you are feeling insecure and always assume the worse of your partner, then there are some serious trust issues in the relationship. A bond is entirely built on trust; if that starts to fade, then so does the connection. Your partner has normal conversations with the regular people in their life, but you have begun to use apps, like mspylite, to check every call, message, or email they get, is one of the examples. Try to give them the benefit of every doubt, until you catch them in an unfaithful action.
No More Intimacy
Typically when a relationship starts, both the partners are unable to keep their hands off of each other every time they meet. If you are in a state where there are occasional sexual encounters and intimacy isn't a top priority, then you are great, but if the 'honeymoon phase' of the relationship has ended and you feel distant, or they don't make you feel like they used to, then it's time to rethink.
Constant Criticism
When you love someone, every interaction with them should only give you more happiness. You will feel good about every day, be more active, more productive, and give off a lot of positive energy. However, you will always be miserable if either one or both of you are constantly bickering and criticizing every single detail about the other person. This nitpicking could eventually be the death of your relationship. Both of you need to show love and respect each other's decisions.
You've Lost Sight Of Who You Were As A Person
You had a full life before you started dating your partner. You had many hobbies, were always looking for an adventure, got better grades in classes, and always went for a night out with friends. But all you do now is think about their needs and what they might think. You constantly fear that they might complain or be jealous. All of this shows serious control issues. You both need to be able to have a life that doesn't always include the other without any anger, resentment, or jealousy.