In a research recently published by the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya shed light to the belief that people are more honest after sex. The study is posted in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin in hopes that other studies might branch out from their initial research.

As reported in Global news, people tend to have honest conversations after sex because of the natural necessity of attachment. Human, unlike animals, treat sex as a way to attach physically and emotionally with the opposite sex. Studies have shown that people who have been exposed to sexual stimuli would is more willing to divulge intimate information to the opposite sex. Research interpret this as the inherent desire in humans to be with other human beings, especially in a heterosexual relationship.

Closeness and attachment is the main objective of this unique human behavior. Cosmopolitan accurately puts the entire in thing into one word, Intimacy. This ability to connect with other people was very important, especially during the early years of humanity. Survival molded human brains to develop a psyche geared towards being together with other people. This all happens in the subconscious as this human behavior has been developed through the entire history of the human race.

The research also hinged on studying the hormones released during orgasm, which is oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for the attachment feeling between lovers. It is also discovered women who generally get into contact with semen especially via sexual intercourse tend to be happier and content. This is because of the chemical serotonin, which can give the uplifting feeling one experiences after sex. With this hormones flowing in the blood stream, human will tend to feel relax and at ease and long for it to experience it again. Thus the barrages of pillow talk ensue to ensure that the connection made will not be temporary but in an emotional level.

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