Although the freezing temperatures in Moorhead City usually makes life difficult for Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM) students but it has certainly landed the school the top position in the list of colleges with the coldest winters ranked by College Prowler.
The rankings are based on student reviews of weather on average campus high and low temperatures during summer and winter, and average summer and winter precipitation amounts. Moorhead students reported that subzero temperatures were intensified by strong winds and the bitter cold.
"It snows a ton here, and often drops below zero because of the wind chill. It is very cold at MSUM and we always have to be worried if there's going to be a flood when the snow melts. The weather is very windy, and it gets really cold in the winter," the student's write in the reviews, Bostlnno reports.
All the schools in Minnesota have been closed due to the harsh weather. College Prowler advises incoming students to invest in proper winter gear.
"GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOU! If you are unfamiliar with Midwest winters, BE PREPARED," wrote a NDSU alumnus, Inforum reports.
Another Minnesota school, Concordia College, has been ranked second in the list.
@Concordia_MN I'm proud to say, yes indeed, it IS my last semester at college: #negativetemps #noslacking
— Jennifer Huus (@JCesign) February 1, 2013
Temperature: -22 feals like: death #stayhome #cordmn — noahtreats (@noahtreats) February 1, 2013
The Concordia College is then followed by a Canadian school, University of Ottawa. Students said that winters in Ottawa are really cold and makes living difficult for residents.
"In Ottawa, when the winter rolls around it tends to get pretty chilly. You really feel the horrid winds and blustering snow hitting your face as you trek from your cozy 90U bedroom all the way down to your random 7-10 class in SITE," a college senior writes in the reviews.
The list names McGill University, another Canadian school, in the fourth position. A college sophomore said that temperatures can dip down to -40 degrees (both Fahrenheit and Celsius).
Niche, the website's parent company, said that if a school is not listed, it is due to lack of student reviews and weather data.
Top 10 Coldest North American Colleges
1 Minnesota State University
2 Concordia College
3 University of Ottawa
4 McGill University
5 St. Olaf College
6 College of Saint Benedict
7 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
8 Carleton College
9 Northwestern College
10. Macalester College