University Officials Investigate Hitler-themed Valentineโs Day Card Handed Out In Campus
ByUniversity officials at the Central Michigan University are doing an investigation to learn about the anti-Semitic Valentine's Day card that a member of a campus Republican group handed to a pair of students by mistake.
The card was kept inside a bag that was given to the students on Wednesday by a member of College Republicans at Central Michigan, who immediately expressed his apology, The Washington Post reported. The card which was deemed and called "inappropriate" by the groups was showing Adolf Hitler alongside the words "my love 4 u burns like 6,000 jews," according to Central Michigan Life, a student newspaper.
Kirsten Simmons, a spokeswoman for Central Michigan University, said that the university leaders are deeply disappointed by what happened and that they are already taking steps in order to find out how and why the card was given, according to Chicago Tribune. Simmons said that the particular language is "hurtful" and that it is not a correct representation of who they are as a campus and a community.
The College Republicans said in a statement that at the College Republican's meeting, they celebrated a Valentine's Day party where each member decorated a bag and other members placed valentine's card inside of other members' bags. They explained that the unfortunate event happened when the inappropriate card was placed into a bag without other members knowing it. And then, a bag was given away to students sitting in Anspach Hall. They said that College Republicans did not distribute this valentine and not in any way do they condone this type of anti-Semitism. They have expressed their apology for the offense and let the students know that they themselves do not tolerate that kind of behavior.