The "Terminator" was one of the critically acclaimed science-fiction film where James Cameron debuted his directing career. The successful release of the movie led to four franchise sequels; the "Terminator Salvation," "Terminator 2: Judgement Day," "Terminator Genisys" and "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines." Just recently, there are reports suggesting a reboot of the "Terminator."

When James Cameron left the production team of the "Terminator," all of the succeeding franchises just revolved around the life of John Connor and time travel and so the movies didn't go well unlike the first movie. However, everything will soon change as James Cameron is currently making a deal with the "Deadpool" director Tim Miller for the creation of the "Terminator Reboot," Engadget reported. It isn't yet officially announced though and so the casting is not yet revealed.

James Cameron had previously sold his rights over the "Terminator" film thinking that he will not be fired as director but in 2019, he will regain certain rights and so the reboot is not impossible. It isn't clear though what the story will be focus on but one thing is for sure, in the hands of Miller and Cameron, the movie will be treated differently.

Although the plot of the movie is not yet revealed, ComicBook came up with some story ideas for the "Terminator Reboot."

New Future War

The concept is about Skynet's disappearance that had caused chaos among the machines because they will have to ensure their survival after humans work out on exterminating the machines. The machines are then pushed to do some drastic measures like eating humans that will serve as their fuel. This story will also open doors for future sequels as humans continue to find the remaining machines.

Old Future War

This story will be about how John Connor and Kyle Reese were shaped but in a different approach as the previous sequels of the "Terminator" has already tried to and failed. Knowing the artistry and talent of Miller and Cameron, the failures will be wiped away.

New Legend

No matter how the story is set, be it a present day or in the future, what's important to viewers is a fresh new story.