Morgan State University has placed Alpha Iota frat on disciplinary probation until fall 2015 for discriminating against a gay student. The probation does not permit the chapter of the fraternity 'Kappa Alpha Psi' to list itself as an official organization, take part in university-sponsored events and organize events on or off campus.

In late October, senior Brian Stewart filed a formal complaint with the university against the frat for denying him a membership. An internal investigation was immediately launched into the allegations

Jarrett Carter Sr., a Morgan spokesman said that a disciplinary panel that investigated the complaint found that the fraternity violated university policies on discrimination.

"It's very rare to get a complaint like this from students against other students," Carter said. "It's not something that the university tolerates or takes lightly," Baltimore Sun reports.

Since the discrimination complaint, students have organized discussions about discrimination against gay people.

"It's all a part of something we're going to continue to do just to make clear our expectations about tolerance and respect and support for one another. Overall, the students have been telling us that this is very surprising and out of the ordinary," Carter said.

Stewart, 20, a business administration major and a former intern for First Lady Michelle Obama said that he aspired to join the fraternity because his mentor had once been a member. When he applied for the membership, Stewart thought that the frat members would be impressed by his academic accomplishments, but he received a rejection later the day after his interview.

Although he was no longer interested in joining the fraternity later on, Stewart filed the complaint to spread awareness.