"Diablo" is one of the most successful games that even after 20 years, more people are still hooked. The love for the game is evident after the successful release of "Diablo 3." "Diablo" fans even enjoyed the celebration of its 20th anniversary in which Blizzard prepared an exciting treat for everyone -- a patch for "Diablo 3."

The Diablo-themed goodies became available in all Blizzard games including "Heroes of the Storm," "Hearthsone," "Overwatch," "Starcraft II" and "World of Warcraft" to pay tribute to "Diablo 3." The anniversary treats were in the form of Diablo-themed portraits, in-game sprays and new player icon. "Diablo 3" players were also nostalgic after Blizzard prepared a portal to enabling them to revisit the cathedral dungeon, according to Digital Trends.

As previously reported, "Diablo 3" will receive a patch 2.4.3 this Jan. 3 and will be called "The Darkening of the Tristram." This is pretty exciting because players will be taken 20 years back. Players have been waiting for this day and this will give them the chance to explore "Diablo 3" that was recreated for the original "Diablo" title. Avid fans will once again see familiar faces, enemies and some old-school items.

At the Blizzcon 2016 opening ceremony, Blizzard's chief development officer Frank Pearce told the audience that they will get to enjoy the 16-level dungeon of "The Darkening of Tristram," which will allow them to battel against the four main bosses of "Diablo." According to iDigitalTimes, the game looks grainy and old school that Pearce called a glorious retrovision. Note that "The Darkening of the Tristram" is a patch only for "Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls."

Meanwhile, another report suggests two zones will be expected to be added in the adventure mode of "Diablo 3" this year. Players will have to wait for further announcement from Blizzard.