Scientists from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) are believed to have found a solution to fix the ozone layer damage. It involves "solar geoengineering."

According to Express, the study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The scientists aim to create an aerosol that can cool the planet and repair ozone damage at the same time.

It was noted that injecting light-reflecting sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere would cool the Earth. However, this comes with a risk of damaging the ozone layer.

The team of researchers, though, claims that they have identified an aerosol that can cool the planet and repair the ozone layer damage at the same time. It is expected that this will raise the eyebrows of the chemtrail conspiracy theory community.

The chemtrail conspiracy claims that governments around the world are secretly spraying chemicals in the air. Some believe that these chemicals are actually used to control the minds of the people.

"In solar geoengineering research, introducing sulphuric acid into the atmosphere has been the only idea that had any serious traction until now," David Keith, the first author of the paper, said. "This research is a turning point and an important step in analysing and reducing certain risks of solar geoengineering."

He is also the Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at SEAS. He teaches public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School.

The Daily Mail added that the new research is like giving the Earth antacid tablets. The aerosol is said to be made up of calcium carbonate.

It was also noted that previous research has focused on the use of non-reactive aerosols. This time, scientists are looking at how to use highly-reactive aerosols without destroying the ozone layer.

"Instead of trying to minimise the reactivity of the aerosol, we wanted a material that is highly reactive but in a way that would avoid ozone destruction," Frank Keutsch, co-author of the study said.