If you have been working for the same company for years, and have not been given the chance to step up the ladder, you might have probably wondered what the problem is.

While you have been working hard to get a promotion, there are several contributing factors that you need to consider. It's not just all about meeting deadlines, exceeding expectations, or your years of tenure in the company. There are these little things that matter a lot and you just don't realize it. Here are some of the things you should keep an eye on that sends your boss the message that you are not promotion material.

Leaving work on time

If you have had the habit of clocking out exactly on time every day, you are giving your employer the impression that you are not willing to put in extra effort in your work. It does not mean that you always have to extend beyond your regular office hours, it's just that managers are looking at the employees who are willing to go an extra mile to get the job done.

Using work hours to update your status on social media

This will make your boss think that even if you are at work, your mind is elsewhere. It's better to put these things off until you finish your shift.

Not proactive in asking questions

Asking questions does not mean you are disturbing or bothering your boss. Questions asked in the right manner will make your managers feel that you are interested to learn more about a specific task and are willing to learn what it takes to produce a quality output.

No urgency when it comes to email response

It would help if you take time to check your emails even on a Saturday or Sunday because you will never know when your big boss will message you. It doesn't mean you have to be working on the weekends, you are just showing that you care about your job and you care enough to respond right away.