Following the unveiling of the Nintendo Switch, Capcom has released a statement fully supporting the upcoming Nintendo Game console.

Capcom's statement clarified its stance regarding developing games for making games for the Nintendo Switch. The company believes that it is excellent to have a market that is active in launching new hardware. Being a software developer, Capcom aims to develop game software that fits the hardware features that end users will enjoy.

Capcom also added that they are currently in the process of internal planning and analysis for their partner company.

Nintendo and Capcom have been known as long-standing partners that create exception and enjoyable games. As for the upcoming Nintendo Switch, Capcom shared its thoughts on the possibility of developing multiplatform titles.

Capcom said that research on the multiplatform software implementation for the Xbox One and PS4 on the Nintendo Switch is currently underway, The Forbes reported.

However, the company is yet to start the porting process until it has learned the play-style and direction of the Nintendo Switch, Digital Trends reported. Capcom said it will have to consider the both Nintendo Switch's hardware and software features in order to come up with a platform. Knowing so would allow them to release titles that would bring games the ultimate joy.

Meanwile, Capcom's statement did not mention what titles they have in mind for the Nintendo Switch adaptation.

It is good to know that Capcom is part of this latest Nintendo project and that they are open to a world of possibilities bearing cross-platform titles for the Nintendo Switch in mind. The upcoming console is different when compared to the other consoles like PS4 and Xbox One and Capcom's creativity will give the Nintendo Switch a postive nudge.

In line with this, there are rumors that the popular Capcom franchises like Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, and Dead Rising will be ported to the Nintendo Switch and avid gamers are looking forward to see these franchises on the upcoming game console.

Nintendo is set to launch the console in March 2017 worldwide.