Connecticutโs In-State Students Bear The Brunt Of New Fee Proposal by Board of Regents
ByThe finance committee of the Board of Regents for Higher Education of Connecticut is expected to vote on a proposal today that will increase the 2013-14 annual tuition for in-state students and decrease the fee for out-of state students.
The hike in fee structure is applicable to in-state students attending all Connecticut state universities, and community colleges.
In the state's 12 community colleges, the cost will rise by 5.23 percent, from $3,598 to $3,786. On the other hand, tuition of state universities at Southern, Western, Central and Eastern parts will increase by 5.1 percent, from $8,556 to $8,990.
Meanwhile, the fees for out-of-state students will be reduced by 2.6 percent.
For example, in-state and out-of-state students attending the state's universities will be paying $19,074 and $8,990, respectively.
The decision to hike and reduce fees, follows enrolment declines, rising costs and budget cuts experienced at most universities and colleges.
This is the second time the board has decided to loosen the grip on out-of-state students. Last year, they were allowed to enroll in programs at in-state fee rates.
"With tuition going up and financial aid also being cut, access to a college education for some may not be a reality for some students," state Rep. Robert Willis, and co-chair of the Legislature's Higher Education Committee, told Stamford advocate.
Willis said that this proposal was inevitable due to repeated cuts in funding.
Officials hope that this proposal will attract more out-of-state students and increase the enrolments at the institutions.
Previously, the high tuition for out-of-state students did not work out well with the institutions, as they observed less percentage of such students across the campus.