Though student loan debt is making college more and more expensive, it is still worth it in the long run, as opposed to just earning a high school diploma.
Still, there are those college majors where graduates do not have a stellar average salary and then there are those that do. According to USA Today, College Factual has compiled lists for both the highest and lowest paying majors based on data from Pay Scale.
While the highest paying majors are mostly in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, the lowest paying majors are more varied. But remember, young adult bachelor's degree holders have an average salary of $46,900, whereas high school graduates only earn about $30,000 on average.
It is not impossible to turn a typically low paying major into a lucrative career, as many of those majors would pair well with various minors, or master's degrees. When choosing a college and a major, prospective students should consider what they expect to earn for the first few years into their professional careers. From there, it becomes easier to plan for life after college and the various things one can do to build up an impressive resume upon entering the real world.
Here are the top ten highest and lowest paying majors, followed by their average starting salary.
1. Petroleum Engineering, $89,000
Animal Science, $31,000
2. Computer Science, $53,800
Social Work, $32,200
3. Nursing, $53,300
Child Development and Psychology, $32,300
4. Applied Mathematics, $52,000
Theological and Ministerial Studies, $32,500
5. Physics, $50,800
Human Development, Family Studies and Related Services, $32,700
6. Management Information System, $49,600
Culinary Arts, $33,000
7. Construction Management, $49,200
Radio, Television and Digital Communications, $33,300
8. Computer Information System, $49,000
Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies, $33,500
9. Mathematics and Statistics, $48,900
General Education, $33,800
10. Computer Programming, $48,000
Behavioral Studies, $33,800