
Becoming a Cosmetologist


Becoming a Cosmetologist

Photo : Becoming a Cosmetologist

Salons, spas, and studios are looking for talented cosmetologists to work as hairstylists, estheticians, nail technicians, hair removal experts, and much more. This need for licensed professionals won't slow down anytime soon. In fact, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), by 2030, the demand for talented cosmetologists will grow by an astounding 19%. This is exciting news as you start your journey into the world of cosmetology. Before you enjoy this industry boom, however, there are certain steps you'll need to take to ensure your success.

Find the Right Cosmetology School That Matches Your Goals

Not all cosmetology schools are created equally, so it's important for you to do your research before you make a commitment to your cosmetology education. The schools you find in your area will likely have different teaching philosophies. While some schools might only focus on passing the state board requirements, you will also find other schools who will add an additional focus on preparing you to step into your new career immediately.

At Genesis Career College, a Cosmetology School in Tennessee for example, you'll find a curriculum that guides you through the state board requirements of your local licensing exam, but you'll also receive training on working in a real salon, starting your own business, or pursuing other career opportunities in the beauty industry. Students at Genesis Career College receive training on Matrix hair color products. The training received on this product line will prepare students for either a career as hairstylist, a color specialist, or as a sales professional in the beauty industry. These careers have plenty of opportunity for professional growth, and flexibility due to the quality of the education received.

Take Your Cosmetology Education Seriously-During School and After Graduation

Once you find the right school and start your first day of class, this is the exact moment that will define your entire cosmetology career. Therefore, we encourage all our students to get a head start on their career goals in the beauty industry. Some of the potential opportunities you can think about include:

  • Color Specialist

  • Hair Stylist

  • Nail Technician

  • Makeup Artist

  • Skincare Specialist

  • Body or Brazilian Waxer

  • Sugaring Specialist

  • Platform Artist

  • School or Brand Educator

  • Sales Representative

  • . . . and much more!

Your dedication to your education can either help you soar or fail throughout your time as a cosmetology student, so the sooner you can define your future career goals, the more successful you will be after graduation. And, as you work daily to meet your educational goals set by your instructors, you can also take some time to gain more knowledge about the specific job role you're passionate about pursuing. 

After you graduate, you'll also find plenty of educational opportunities to build your knowledge as you gain more experience in your chosen career. New techniques are constantly emerging-as well as new products that innovate the way you'll service your clients. Staying on top of these innovative trends will drive you toward even more success in your career.

Learn, Study, and Practice Your State's Requirements for Passing the Cosmetology Exam

Though you'll receive plenty of training in school that will help you pass your cosmetology state board exam, you will also want to spend some time every day practicing your skills to prepare yourself for the exam. Each state's focus and requirements are different, so you should make sure you connect with your local governing board to ensure you know exactly what's expected of you to pass your exam. 

If you want to guarantee your success at your state test, we recommend practicing your techniques an hour a day leading up to your practical exam, and you'll also want to spend at least 30 minutes every day studying your theory textbook. Cosmetology students who invest their time into their upcoming exams have no problems passing with flying colors. 

Visit and Shadow at Several Salons in Your Area to Prepare for Your First Cosmetology Job

Starting at school, your instructors will encourage you to start looking at the salons and spas in your area you think you'd like to work at. As you visit these salons, you'll notice a variety of types of jobs available to you:

  • Hourly Salon Jobs

  • Commission Salon Jobs

  • Booth Rental Salon Jobs

  • Hybrid of Hourly and Commission Salon Jobs

Many new cosmetology graduates aim for hourly salon jobs if they haven't yet built up a list of clients while at school. This will provide you with some stability and job security as you work to build a list of loyal clients. However, this doesn't mean that commission or booth-rental opportunities won't offer you success. It will all depend on what type of opportunity makes you feel more secure in the future of your cosmetology career.

The most important thing to consider-outside of the compensation structure-is the type of salon you find yourself working at. The first job you accept after graduation will set the tone for your entire career, so this decision should not be taken lightly. This one, critical decision can set you up for success, or it can set you up for failure. Take some time to consider how well you fit in the salon and how well the salon fits you before you make that first leap. Make no mistake-you will put a lot of hard work into your future cosmetology career, but you will also walk away with a fun, rewarding experience once you find the perfect place to grow in the beauty industry.

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