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Apr 14, 2020 12:04 PM EDT

(Photo : 4 Tips to Manage Student Life During Today's New Normal)

While almost the whole world is placed on hold right now due to COVID-19, today's students know that it is simply impossible to put a pause on their education. Our daily reality has been altered substantially by the pandemic, but life must find a way to keep moving forward regardless of the circumstances.

Despite the new normal that everyone is collectively facing, it is actually possible for students to maintain astute levels of academic performance. To help learners navigate this newfound era of social distancing, here are a few invaluable tricks to make sure you stay ahead of the game until we flatten the curve:

1. Maximize Motivation in Your Home Environment

One of the most difficult endeavors during a widespread lockdown is transitioning your leisure space into a zone of productivity. The ordeal of this sudden adjustment can be further exacerbated by strict quarantine rules and shelter-in-place orders. Overall, turning a residency into a workspace takes commitment and discipline, especially when the transformation practically needs to occur overnight. The key to success lies in replicating the structure of your in-person curriculum. Implementing a steady schedule can work wonders for students stuck at home. If you have the room available, it is advantageous to designate a specific spot for attending virtual lectures and completing assignments. Create a little space where procrastination is not permitted, and then watch your accomplishments accumulate like clockwork.

2. Don't Shy Away From Student Resources

In moments of crisis, it is wise to accurately assess all of your options. Sometimes, it takes a major incident like the spread of coronavirus to let us realize opportunities that would have otherwise been overlooked. If money is tight, don't merely resign to the struggle. In fact, with the CARES Act federal loans are automatically paused, and private student loan lenders are following suit by emphasizing increased flexibility amid the COVID-19 surge. If you're struggling to keep up with student loans right now, look at pursuing a plan to pause payments on your private student loans. Ascent Student Loans is a good example of options you will find in the private space - typically three months forbearance due to declared emergencies, like the COVID-19 outbreak, with other options depending on the lender.

It's also a great time to check out local food banks and rental assistance programs. As a last resort, don't be afraid to request aid from family and friends during this unprecedented upheaval. If the needs of survival become overwhelming, don't hesitate to notify your professors, and be sure to inquire about institutional accommodations. When seeking provisions, avoid being discouraged by ego or embarrassment, especially since desperate instances mandate extraordinary measures. It's nearly impossible to study when you aren't feeling safe, so prioritize security to mitigate stress and instill clarity.

3. Maintain Your Campus Connections Online

Most universities have amassed comprehensive digital catalogs, but these essential hubs of information have been woefully underused prior to the pandemic. Because they are now basically serving as substitute campuses, school websites have instantly become the cornerstone of academia in 2020. Every department has a cyber counterpart, and these points of access are more robust than ever. As students switch to virtual classrooms in droves, institutions everywhere are naturally enhancing their libraries of internet offerings. It's also smart to preserve some semblance of a social life remotely, so don't neglect the ability to stay in touch with acquaintances. In fact, this timeframe offers a perfect chance to beef up your social media presence in general. Extracurricular activities are still a crucial element of the college experience even if they must be adapted for web-based connections.

4. Make Sure to Focus on Your Mental Health

Most of our minds are under quite a bit of extra pressure these days, so it is imperative that everyone takes time for healing. The cognitive processes can be easily overwhelmed by surprising lifestyle changes in tandem with an inundation of alarmist media. As a result, we often forget to address basic necessities right when we need them most. Thus, it's critical to keep an eye on nutrition and exercise above all else. Additionally, isolation happens to produce conducive atmospheres for meditation, so give mindfulness techniques a go. If your routine becomes too rigid, then throw in some experimentation by exploring alternative styles of learning. You might even wind up unearthing a profound new methodology that revolutionizes your studies. Being alone with your thoughts may encourage a re-evaluation of your academic direction, so this unexpected global cycle has the potential to generate significant personal growth. The shocking uncertainty of 2020 fosters an introspective respite that teaches individuals to practice gratitude, patience and acceptance.

Final Assessment

It's important to keep in mind that this challenging situation will end sooner or later, so try not to fret about the perceived permanency of a societal shutdown. Civilization will recover one way or another, and adhering to the aforementioned strategies will ensure that you're on a stronger footing when everything bounces back into a recognizable rhythm. Until that time arrives, just stay strong and remain calm. When in doubt, please remember that you will get through this.

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