USA’s Scariest Haunted House to Pay $20,000 to Those Who Dare: 40-page Waiver Required

Halloween is creeping up very fast, and haunted houses nationwide are setting the bar high for those who want to experience the ultimate goosebumps no one could ever imagine. Adventurous people would love some thrill in life. Since Halloween season is already here, many haunted houses claimed to be the scariest. Not until Russ Mckamey opened a scary house of his own.
This is no neighborhood fundraiser horror house. In fact, you'll be paid $20,000 if you make it through. No one has.
Russ McKamey runs the scariest fright house in the country and it'll cost you just a bag of dog food (McKamey has five dogs) to enter, reports
The Summertown, Tenn., attraction is so severe that visitors who think they can handle it must prove their fortitude with these seven items:
- Visitors must be at least 21 years old, 18-20 with parent's approval.
- The participants must complete "sports physical" and doctor's letter stating you are physically and mentally cleared.
- The participant should have clearance upon background check provided by McKamey Manor.
- There will be screening via Facebook, Facetime or phone.
- Provide proof of medical insurance.
- Sign a detailed 40-page waiver.
- Pass a portable drug test on the actual day of the show.
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The screening at McKamey Manor involves watching a two-hour video. The haunted house is really extreme that only brave people can stand.
Every person who fails to complete the experience must utter their safeword and the phrase, "You really don't want to do this."
The attraction has been featured on Netflix's "Haunters: Art of the Scare."
Plenty of people have shown up confident they can complete the tour but everyone has quit. Yet McKamey has made his new version, "Desolation," even more extreme.
"Nobody's even made it to the starting clock with this new show," McKamey told WFLA. "With the new mental game, it's much more difficult. And because of that, no one's even started the clock."
McKamey makes a video of every show. It's entertaining but also provides evidence when guests try to take him to court over their experience.
"You'd be surprised over the years how many people have claimed something happened to them inside," McKamey told WFLA. "And I need to go back and show whoever needs to see it the raw and unedited footage, saying 'here ya go, here's the complete show.'"
Well it's all on your decision if you are really willing to take the risk. Haunted house attractions should be spooky in a fun way. Never come in if you have medical problems even minor ones. Just look at the signs they post, those are enough to give you real chills.
But if you are one of those natural thrill-seekers, go feel the fear and do it anyway. You got this and you only live ones.......just hope to live longer after this extreme adventure. Prove that you've got the nerves of steel and only kryptonite can put you down.