Being in college requires significantly more effort than being in high school. As soon as you enter college, you will realize that your professors are more demanding, the work is more difficult, classes more complicated and fast-paced, and you will not have a choice but to keep up.

Because of these things, many college students suffer from academic stress. When you feel stressed out, the stress takes away the energy from the other functions of your brain and reduces your ability to concentrate. And though stress can sometimes be helpful, too much of it can take a toll on your health physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically.

If you feel like stress is eating you out, here are some healthy tips to help you manage it.

Be mindful of your calorie intake

According to The Butler Collegian, when you become mindful and when you start tracking your calorie intake, it is not only the calories you are actually watching, but also your nutrient intake. Maintaining a healthy diet can help reduce stress levels in your body.

Get plenty of sleep

This is one effective way to manage your stress, and according to Everyday Health, sleep deprivation increases your stress levels and put you at risk for some serious illness. It is also better to sleep during the normal resting hours rather than sleep almost early in the morning and wake up mid afternoon.


Physical activities are proven ways to reduce stress levels. It can be any exercise that you enjoy doing like swimming, running, biking, etc.

Avoid overloading yourself

College is understandably a very busy phase of your student life but do not forget to take a break too. Take time to have a breather and do not get more than what you can take. Limit the number of courses you take especially when you are already compromising your rest and your health.

Topics Stress, College