
5K MacBook Pro Getting Problems With WiFi; LG's Ultra Fine Monitor Incompatible?


The expensive 5K display is reportedly causing problems. More and more consumers are raising complaints and what's more is they see their negative reviews getting deleted from Apple's Web Store. The LG ultrafine 5K display on the Macbook Pro apparently has several technical issues that the company is ignoring, giving rise to concerns that the 5K monitor is incompatible with Apple's flagship device in the first place.

LG's 5K Monitor Incompatible With MacBook Pro?

Apple's partnership with LG may not be the best idea of all time that's because the 5K displays are having problems right now. The LG Ultrafine 5K Display has a critical usability issue, 9 to 5 Mac reported. The problem is users won't be able to use the device within two meters from a router.

When Apple announced that it will no longer accommodate the Thunderbolt Display for the next series of its MacBook technology and that it would be partnering with LG for a retina resolution, users thought that it's the closest thing they can get for an Apple Thunderbolt Display and have embraced the new partnership including the $974 tag pinned on it.

It would seem like the 5K Display is incompatible with Apple industrial design. It even makes the MacBook Pro unusable as it consistently freezes the device. Users will have to reboot the MacBook Pro every time they want to use it after connecting to LG 5K Ultrafine Display.

Problems Other Than WiFi

One of the issues raised by the consumers is their monitors flicker when the device has been roused from sleep mode. There are times that the screen wouldn't even properly turn on. Users have resulted to rebooting manually.

Some users have even reported that the flashy new touchbar doesn't work at all when the 5K monitor is connected, especially when the 5K monitor and the FileVault are enabled. This has resulted to many complaints over Apple's Web Store.

But a Reddit post says that the company has removed these complaints so that it wouldn't affect LG 5K Ultrafine Display's ratings, Tweak Town reported. A Reddit user named michael_emery said other users have already posted their frustrations on the LG 4K model reviews or on social media. Apple's censorship towards the problem only fuels consumer's anger towards the brand.

Whatever the source of the problem is is yet to be revealed. But the fact that the company has to remove the negative reviews is a huge deal.

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