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‘Pokemon GO’ Cheat for iOS: PokeVision Alternative; Hack with Added Features to Alert, Scan, Catch Exact Pokemons


This "Pokemon GO" cheat is for those who miss PokeVision.

PokeLoke is a third-party app that will let you scan nearby Pokemons before catching them all. This could be the PokeVision alternative as the tracker is currently not working.

"Pokemon GO" cheat for iOS, Android: PokeLoke app

PokeLoke is favored for its alerts. Many of the players wonder, why this hack exists just recently instead of long ago. The notification is what makes it more convenient than the other tracking apps.

Players can get notified if there is any monster nearby even when they are not running the app. The useful app offers push notifications with details such as what kind of Pokemon they want to see in the area, The Bit Bag reported. It will be handy to use the app while you are on the road and don't have time to check the game every minute.

In addition to the tracking feature, PokeLoke can show players, how long a specific Pokemon stays in a location. While the tracker is for free, players who wish to find out how long the monsters will be there; need to purchase 10 scans for $1.99.

Currently, the "Pokemon GO" cheat is available for iOS platform and it is uncertain whether the developer will create PokeLoke for Android OS.

Will players be banned for using this "Pokemon GO" cheat?

Chris Maddern said that the app has not experienced any issue ahead of the launch. Speaking to SlashGear, the developer said that the odds to be shut down are slim and confidently think that it will survive.

However, players should be careful when using any hack since Niantic will release captcha system as part of the extra-added security for the game. Although the deployment is still uncertain, it could likely catch all the unauthorized apps that are currently working.

What "Pokemon GO" cheat do you use at the moment?

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